Metaphysical Info

The Basics


clear quartz






lapis lazuli






smoky quartz



lapis lazuli


clear quartz









rose quartz

green fluorite


grey moonstone

pink opal







green adventurine


tiger’s eye


green jade




clear quartz

smoky quartz

As you can see, we are primarily highlighting stones we work with on a frequent basis - so you may need to look elsewhere if you don’t see the stone you’re looking for listed. While the information found here may be generalized, part of what makes crystals so magical is that there are so many, and so much to learn about each one! We encourage you to pursue your curiosity, and to dive into the additional meanings, and benefits of each stone.

The information found in this section is not medical advice, as we certainly aren’t medical professionals.

Cleansing Your Crystals, Space & Divination Tools

What is Energetic Housekeeping? Simple! The act of cleansing your crystals, tools, and space of unwanted or unnecessary energies - according to me anyway! Now you’re probably wondering how you go about doing that… lucky for you, scrolling down will help get you some of those answers. Please keep in mind that these are just our humble opinion - doing your own research is always recommended, of course!

Now I don’t know about you, but I’m of the witchy variety, so I love to work with things like crystals, divination tools, smoke cleansing, and the moon. Don’t worry, the sun gets included in that too - obviously! What do all of these things have in common? They provide, transmute, dispel, and protect the energy fields in our homes, workspaces, and essentially all around us.

When to Cleanse:

There are a few key moments we recommend you cleanse your crystals or tools the most - when you first get them, and before using them - especially for something like meditation or channeling. These items hold onto emotions and energies, absorbing from their environment: humans, pets, everything, really. If you’re moving into a new home or office space we do recommend doing a cleanse at that time, too. This helps to ensure the bond you’re forming with your items or space is started off on the right foot so to speak.

Outside of those times, we feel this can be a personal choice. Not everyone is going to have the energy to cleanse on a monthly basis (although it is recommended) so who are we to tell you to do that? Below are some things to consider when you are deciding if you want to actually create a cleansing schedule, or if you just want to wing it:

If you are wearing your crystals they may need to be cleansed more frequently - perhaps even daily, so consider something like a Selenite Bowl or Charging Plate wherever you store your jewelry. Alternatively you can store your crystal jewelry near where you light incense for easy-peasy smoke cleansing.

If you tend to have big emotions in your home or workspace (AKA your environment) purging that energy from your crystals, divination tools, and the space itself more consistently may prove beneficial

If the energy you feel from your crystals or tools is dull or stagnant, it may be time to give them a boost! Think of this as recharging a dead battery.

If you let other people into your space often, and/or let them get up close and personal with your collection, consider cleansing more frequently. More beings in the space = more energies to absorb at a faster rate…that battery is draining quick, quick, quick!

Here’s a quick rundown of some simple cleansing methods:

Sunlight & Moonlight:

Utilizing Sun and Moon Energy is a labour of love sometimes, but oh-so-worth-it! If you don’t have the means (or the desire) to haul your whole collection outside for approximately 12 hours (or however long you want, really - intention goes a long way here), placing them on a window ledge works just fine! If you happen to have your crystals and tools stored in a room that gets a lot of natural light, and you feel like they are getting cleansed and charged that way, then that’s what’s happening, and mission complete!

Please keep in mind that some crystals do fade over time when exposed to UV rays. Please do your research based off your crystal collection and be mindful of placement to improve the longevity of their colouring.

Salt Cleansing:

Salt is another simple way to cleanse your crystals, divination tools, and even your space without having to put a ton of effort in. Salt itself is purifying and protective, so makes a great base for cleansing. There are a few different ways to utilize salt in your cleansing practice:

A pinch of salt in the corners of each room, and at the base of your entryway(s) will help with both protection and cleansing of your space

Place small bowls of salt around your home or workspace to collect and transmute the surrounding energies. These will also help cleanse any crystals that may be in the vicinity, as well as any divination tools

Make a dedicated salt bowl for your altar space to cleanse tools or crystals you may use during your practice when you’re done with them. This gets them ready for immediate use next time - just remember to regularly charge or change out your salt. Please also be mindful of what type of salt you’re using. Be mindful of what crystals or divination tools you’re placing in/on your salt - we don’t want anything getting scratched. Things that are on the lower side of the Mohs Scale won’t play well with salt.

Smoke Cleansing:

I’d like to preface this by saying what method of smoke you utilize to cleanse is your business; however, I do believe that there are some forms of smoke cleansing that can be used inappropriately, and that it’s best you conduct your own research before diving in. Between finding ethically sourced materials, and being mindful of cultural practices, there’s a lot to learn.

Smoke Cleansing is most commonly done with Incense or burning various Herbs, but can also be done with candles when necessary. Simply (and safely) light your preferred cleansing tool, and let the smoke roll over your crystals and/or divination tools. There’s no exact time frame for this method, but as an example I will roam around my crystal collection and tarot cards making sure to give attention to everything in my immediate reach. If I can’t reach it, I just make sure that smoke makes its way up there somehow.

Please keep in mind that the above are suggestions, and that we encourage you to continue to do your own research both through others and your own practice. Knowledge is power, and there are so many ways to find it! We’re so excited for your journey.